Why Study in Frankfurt University

Goethe University Frankfurt, positioned among the top international research universities, offers a wide variety of academic programmes, a diverse group of research institutes, and a focus on interdisciplinary approaches to solving complex problems. The university is named after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the Frankfurt-born polymath renowned for his exceptional contributions to literature, science, and philosophy.

Founded in 1914 with private funding and inspired by the legacy of the European Enlightenment, Goethe University stands out as a pioneering “citizens’ university”—and the history of the university is one of openness and public participation. Today, Goethe University is one of the only universities in Germany that enjoys significant public funding alongside administrative autonomy and the ability to create a private endowment.

As a university with an endowment, a funding model rare in Germany’s system of higher education, GU enjoys considerable freedom from state control when it comes to the details of how a modern university should be run, including the appointing of professors. The endowment that is being built up will be invested specifically in promoting an excellent atmosphere in which to research, study, think, and create. Situated in Germany’s most cosmopolitan and international city, the university attracts a diverse body of students and researchers from around the world. Students at Goethe benefit from studying and living in Frankfurt, the largest financial and trading centre in Europe—with plenty of opportunities to learn and practise speaking German. Today, Frankfurt is ratedamong the top 10 most liveable cities in the world (according toMercer Human Resource Consulting).

Studying in Germany - No German? No Problem

Let’s face it -- not everyone goes to study abroad to perfect their language skills. Going for the cultural experience and life in a new place is just as much a factor. Using a study abroad program allows you to tailor a program to fit what you want and make sure that learning in English is a priority.

Finding a program that offers the majority of its courses in English is a great first step. Check out these study abroad opportunities in Germany to find one that meets your language-learning needs. If you’re uncertain, you can ask a question right on the study abroad program page and alumni from that program will answer you.

You can also visit your school’s study abroad office to find out about partner universities in Germany. Often times, North American schools will partner with foreign institutions that specifically offer programming in their native language. It’s not a bad idea either to ask your school if they offer German language courses. Even a semester’s worth of language classes or short summer intensive will go a long way to prepare you for life in Germany. Chances are you might be able to use some of the credits to pad out your degree as well!

Furthermore, many German universities provide different options for varying levels of German-language abilities, including English instruction for absolute beginners.

You can even choose whether to take courses alongside local German students or other international students. With a little extra research, you'll be able to find the perfect program that pairs survival German classes and other subject courses taught with English instruction.

Remember that there is no best option when it comes to choosing a study abroad experience; just choose the best one for you.

For English speakers who aren’t comfortable speaking German except for the occasional “pass the schnitzel” or “Nein!” it’s no problem (or “Kein Problem,” as the Germans would say) for those wanting to study here.

Not only is Germany a hugely cosmopolitan country, with many English services available in its larger cities, but a 2012 survey by the European Commission revealed that 50% of Germans feel comfortable speaking English. In my experience, that number tends to be even higher amongst German youth and students -- the exact people you’ll be interacting with the most during your time studying abroad.

For those students who aren't confident in their German language skills, there are plenty of programs taught in English all over the country. You'll just need to be a little pickier when you're selecting which program in Germany to study abroad with.

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